Classroom Technologies is always looking for the latest innovations in classroom technology, for students, teachers and parents. Ten years ago the classroom was a totally different environment, and 10 years from now, it will also be totally different. The main reason for these changes is technology, plain and simple. Today we’ll discuss interactive whiteboards, and how they’re changing the modern classroom.
Create an engaged classroom or training room with affordable technology that brings out the best in you and your students.

Interactive Displays & Flat Panels
Interactive flat panels are one of the newest and most productive classroom technologies to become popular in the last 15 years. Interactive flat panels, are radically enhancing the classroom. Imagine this: no projector, no speaker and no paper jamming malfunctions to get in the way of your flow. Interactive flat panels are quickly becoming a standard in secondary and higher education.
An interactive flat panel works by connecting to your computer and transposing its images to a flat panel sized touch screen (the interactive whiteboard). This interface enables students and teachers to engage together, to interact on the platform, together. Interactive flat panels will certainly change the M.O. of classroom interaction in years to come. Classroom Technologies will make this change a possibility, and serve the next generation’s classroom need.
3D Printing
When it comes to 3D printing, there are limitless ways in which the technology can be utilized. Businesses, hobbyists, and educational institutions are beginning to fully understand some of the potential benefits that the technology can provide. 3D printing has, and will continue to, provide a means for inventors, innovators, and visionaries to easily fabricate prototypes for designs which they could only depict via 2-dimensional drawings and diagrams in the past. 3D printing will certainly spur on new inventions, simply because inventors now have a way to test out their ideas with tangible models and prototypes.
Because the technology is so relatively new, the greatest impact may come via the introduction of 3D printing into public and private grade schools. The younger a person is, the easier it usually is to introduce new ideas and methodologies. This is why young children are so quick to learn new languages, when compared to their older adult counterparts. This is what makes elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools the perfect place to begin really introducing a curriculum based around 3D printing.